AJAJ is an association of internationally certified Jungian analysts in Japan,
which was ratified as a Constituent Society of the International Association
for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) in August 2001 in Cambridge, England.
In April 2002, the training institute of AJAJ, the Japan Institute of Jungian
Psychology, started its own training programs whose goals are both to disseminate
Jungian psychology and to train Jungian analysts by holding seminars, group supervisions,
and symposiums in Tokyo and in Kyoto.
The Japan Institute of Jungian Psychology is a training institute officially
recognized by IAAP. A person who completes our designated training program will
qualify to receive a diploma in Analytical Psychology in Japan.
The Institute has three statuses of students including candidates, matriculated
auditors and registered members, in order not only to train Jungian analysts
but also to offer quality superior educational programs for psychotherapists.
Since the Winter Semester 2013, we have been offering our seminars and group supervisions
held by English speaking IAAP analysts visiting Kyoto to the institutes and developing groups in Asian countries.